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What is it that motivates you to action, to try and change things for the better? I don't mean just clicking on a petition link although that can help make a change.
For me its injustice and lack of acceptance either due to fear or ignorance.  Mention the word Autism and immediately people have an opinion of "what Autism looks like." Clearly, I am not it because so many people say "Well, you don't LOOK Autistic!" For a start, I'm not male...!
My hope, in putting my experiences down, is that you, the reader, would begin to see that Autism doesn't look any 'one way' in particular.  Autism doesn't 'look like' anything - nothing in the diagnostic criteria indicates a specific outward, visible sign. I want to open your eyes to the highs and lows of one Autistic person's journey through life.
Without my 'mask', I feel as vulnerable as the skeleton of a leaf but as every leaf, although recognisable by tree family, is unique so are we all, Autistic or Allistic*.  

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